External talent acquisition

We’ll play matchmaker and line up tech candidates that fit your unique needs.

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Internal talent development

Developing your existing team with in-demand skills keeps you competitive.

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business solutions for you

Our offerings

Whether you are looking to hire top tech talent or train your existing team, we have a business solution for you. We have tech talent ready to hire in coding, data, and cybersecurity and will help match you with the ideal candidate. We also offer upskilling and reskilling available for you, depending on the breadth of knowledge you are looking for your team to acquire.

Briefcase icon with play button

Tech talent

We have top tech talent available for you to hire today.

Gear icon with up arrow


Looking for your team to gain basic tech skills, opt for an intro course.

Gear with curved upward arrow icon


Shift driven members of your team into different critical positions.

Our areas of expertise

Ready to hire?

Fill your skills gap by hiring sought-after, challenge-hungry tech professionals. Our rigorous admissions process, tests and mentorship, ensure our graduates are prepared for success. We are committed to creating a workforce of career ready graduates who add value to any team by continuously refining their skill sets.


If you are looking for talent in web development, we have you covered. Here are just some of the many positions we can fill for you:

  • Full-stack Developer
  • Software Engineer
  • QA Tester
  • Tech Support Engineer
  • UX/UI Designer


From data analytics to AI, we have the data talent you need for your company. Here are some of the many data positions we can fill for you:

  • Data Analyst
  • Data Scientist
  • Data Engineer
  • Machine Learning Analyst
  • Machine Learning Engineer


Whether you’re looking to fill your Blue, Red or Purple Team, we have the talent you need. Here are some of the positions we can fill for you:

  • Security Analyst
  • Incident Responder
  • Security Researcher
  • Penetration Tester
  • Security Specialist

Hire top tech talent with Lighthouse Labs

Acquire talent

Internal Talent Development

Train your team

Developing your team with in-demand skills keeps you competitive. Filling critical skills gaps betters everyone, expands profit potential, and keeps you competitive. Lighthouse Labs offers internal talent development as custom, tailored learning solutions as well as off-the-shelf, ready-to-use Bootcamps and courses.

Off-the-shelf solutionsTailored solutions
Full-time schedule
Part-time schedule
Tailored to your unique tech stack
Soft skills training
Start learning today
Coding programs available
Full-time & part-time. Learn more
Data programs
Full-time & part-time. Learn more
Cybersecurity programs available
Full-time & part-time. Learn more

Ready to find the perfect learning and development solution for your team?

Connect with us

Learn with us

Why Lighthouse Labs?

Since 2013, over 40,000 students have gained critical digital skills at Lighthouse Labs. Our personalized, accelerated curriculums have proven their effectiveness at building bridges between our students, businesses and their futures.

  • Bridge the digital skills gap
  • Stay ahead of the curve
  • Remain competitive

The current and future workforce requires new digital skills, specifically the integration of data, cybersecurity and web development. Together, we have the opportunity to make a positive impact on the teams and communities we serve.

Partnership-first approach

We take a personalized, collaborative approach to working with our partners. We keep our partnerships at the forefront of everything we do so that we facilitate the best programming possible. We work together with our partners to find solutions that fit their needs and build a flourishing tech ecosystem.

Expert Instructors

Our team is made up of industry-leading professionals who are operating in the real world and encountering the same challenges you are.

Hands-on learning

Learning with Lighthouse Labs is designed to be specifically beneficial to employees and company goals, with hands-on, real-world experiences at the core of the learning.

Check out who we’ve helped

Our learning and development partners

Organizations of all sizes and across numerous industries are partnering with Lighthouse Labs. We’re providing them with the learning and development solutions for their team’s needs.

Hire top tech talent

If you are looking to hire top tech talent in web development, data or cybersecurity, we have you covered! No fees and no paperwork!

Aquire tech talent

Train your team

If you are looking to upskill or reskill your team in web development, data or cybersecurity, we have custom and off-the-shelf solutions available for you.

Develop your talent